App Of the Day

Free for today only over in the Amazon app store the ACT virtual printer app. I have been meaning to write more about ways to share information between a computer and your Kindle device. in short, this application allows you to share something from your computer to a Kindle device connected via WiFi.  Very handy if you ran across something you’d like to read later but don’t want to go to the trouble of saving the file and transferring it via a USB cable.  I have tried several applications, my current favorite is Evernote, but there are several which are roughly equivalent. I have not used this method yet, but plan on trying it soon.

ACTPrinter – Virtual Printer

Why did I write about this?

In general, I intend this group to be about spiritually related materials. I plan on making exceptions in cases such as this where I feel the topic is relevant in helping you get the most out of your device. After all, having a huge library of literature does you no good if you can’t use it.

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